Obituary for Dave Payne

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dave Payne.

Dave was one of the first players for Salts who was not a former pupil of Saltley Grammar School. In his younger years he had forged lifelong friendships with many who did go on to Saltley and these friendships endured. He played for the club on numerous occasions and before we were officially an Open Club.

Dave was one of the few Old Salts to have played at Twickenham. His career in the Royal Air Force offered him the opportunity to play for the RAF and on one occasion he represented them at Twickenham. It was a mid-week game and amazingly he played for Old Salts 4th XV on the following Saturday.

In addition to his rugby exploits Dave will be fondly remembered by all those who holidayed at the Old Salts “Summer Camp” in Trevayne , South Wales. He was an original member of that small cohort who camped and indeed continued for many years to camp with wife Janet and two small children, never succumbing to the luxuries of a caravan. As the numbers of Salts and families at Trevayne grew he became the self-appointed and most efficient “Beachmaster”. He would organise the touch rugby game, rounded up adults and children for Rounders and much more.

Following his retirement from playing he began refereeing and, in his home union of Gloucestershire, he progressed to become President of the Referees Society.

He had many friends in many walks of life and will be sadly missed by them all.

Above all he remained and will be remembered as a true Old Salt.

Our condolences are extended to Janet, son Andrew, daughter Alison and the extended family

Mal Richards


Old Saltleians RFC


Armistice Day - November 2023


Obituary for John Finlan